Hello from Kabir & Sue Sehgal


It’s Kabir Sehgal and Surishtha Sehgal, “Dr. Sue.”

We’re mother-and-son New York Times bestselling authors (& EMMY® nominees) of 8 picture books about Indian culture.

But enough about that…

You are important to us.

Here’s why:

We’ve probably met at a book reading, school event, social gathering.

You’re receiving this note because our orbits have intersected….

We’re interested in similar things: education, diversity, children’s literature or #kidlit.

But until now – mom and I haven’t been in touch.

At least not on a consistent basis.

We were focused on writing our books, reading at schools, talking to other authors, thinking of the next book, drinking chai…

But we think we can do something more, maybe even better.

With everything that’s going on in the world…

We believe there’s value in building a community around diverse children’s books….

And giving you more access to the world of authors & kid’s literature.

So, here’s what we propose:

Monthly Bucket

On the first day of every month, we’ll send you a note with some of these:

  • Our top 3 book picks that celebrate diversity
  • Exclusive teacher guides
  • Tips on writing your own stories
  • Inside access to our book-writing process
  • Kid-friendly Indian recipes mmm….

We’ll try to do this in 200 words or less (~1 minute read time).

If you’re not interested, unregister below. No hard feelings.

Hit reply & let us know what you think. We’re open to ideas.

Scroll down to see what you can expect. ⬇️

-Kabir & Sue

October 2023 – Monthly Bucket

Read time: 103 words, 1 minute.


Bhangra Baby

Our new book releases on Tues, October 3. Come dance with Bhangra Baby as he learns to move to the rhythm of a popular Punjabi folk dance.
Learn more


We’re Different, We’re the Same

Who better than Elmo and his Sesame Street friends to teach us that though we may all look different on the outside — deep down, we are all very much alike?
Learn more


The Name Jar

A heartwarming story about the new girl in school, and how she learns to appreciate her Korean name.
Learn more

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