What do children say?
Reading in her English class at Primary School in Simbach Inn, Germany Eight year old Paulina said “Eine tolle Geschichte!” (What a fascinating story!)
Reading in her English class at Primary School in Simbach Inn, Germany Eight year old Paulina said “Eine tolle Geschichte!” (What a fascinating story!)
During a reading at Beecher Hill Elementary, Jada who is in third grade said that she liked the peacock the best because even with a little water, the peacock believed it could make it rain. I am blessed to have parents, water, food, and clothes.
The endorsements that matter the most to us are those that come from children. Here’s what Zaira who is in third grade had to say about A Bucket of Blessings: The monkey went to the cave to get the water. The monkey filled the bucket with water, but as he was coming up the hill, …